Friday, August 04, 2006

Project Runway--Episode 4

On the last episode, Keith was kicked off the show for possessing pattern books in his room, which is against the rules. He claims to have never used them. And I don't believe any of the room mates (other contestants on the show) ever saw him use them either. So I think a stern warning would've done well. Although Keith did break the rules a few other times as well. But it was sad to see him leave like that, especially when he was the leader of the team for the particular project in this episode and his team was one of the two finalists for winning the project. Sad, indeed.

Angela actually won the challenge. This lady seriously has 9 lives. How she managed not to get kicked off the last two times is beyond me. I think the judges have made too many errors and given her too many chances. And the only reason she won this last time, I believe, was because of the two team members she chose to work with. If it hadn't been for them, her outfit would have been as hideous as the last few dresses she had designed!

So far, I loved the "Designers Best Friend" challenge, where the designers each had a dog and had to design an outfit for the model which complemented the dog and told a story. It was cute! The dogs were especially adorable. Especially Laura's dog. Also, I was sad to see Malan go. He didn't deserve to be kicked off...


Blogger Khalil said...

Just out of interest what is the show about?

Friday, August 04, 2006 8:20:00 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

The host of the show is the model Heidi Klum. And the judges include a famous fashion designer, an editor of a fashion magazine, Heidi Klum and usually a guest judge who is a big name in the fashion industry.

The contestants are designers trying to make it big. Each week they have a specific challenge and only a small budget ($100) to design the outfit. They are given less than 2 full days to design it. They are judged very harshly.

The two finalists of the show get to appear at Fashion Week in NYC (which is HUGE in the fashion world) to showcase their outfits on a runway, then the winner is chosen. The winner gets $100,000 to start their fashion company.

Pretty big deal for fashion designers. And it's so much fun to watch. They always have gay guys on the show that are just hilarious. The show is in its 3rd season now. Its a lot of fun to watch! And see their creations at the end, some of which are absolutely hideous!! lol

Friday, August 04, 2006 8:42:00 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Friday, August 04, 2006 9:36:00 PM  

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